Unique Solo Program and the Private Pilot License

Solo flight occurs after a student has completed approximately 10-20 hours of dual flight instruction with a Certified Flight Instructor. A student must be able to demonstrate mastery of the fundamentals of flying a single engine plane. This includes successful demonstration and explanation of all checklist items, taxiing, radio calls, take-off, flying the traffic pattern and landing. A student who has been approved for solo flight is able to continue flying solo under the close supervision of the Certified Flight Instructor. Achieving solo flight is a major accomplishment and is a signature program at Untethered Aviation.

The Private Pilot License can be earned with a minimum of 50 hours and allows students to be the pilot-in-command of a single engine airplane. Trained to operate an airplane safely with the proper decision making processes makes this program distinct. With these skills firmly in place, students will be prepared for cross-country flights and ultimately the private pilot check ride. Upon successful completion of this program, students will be permitted to fly a single engine aircraft solo or with others on board.


Discover the Magic of Flight in Sedona, Arizona


High School Student Pilots